Randough, App Design & Ad campaign
Randough is an app I created and designed for Heartland Credit Union. First, you connect it to your bank account and chose a distance range, then it will send you one random deal a day for a place or store based on the things you already love to buy! This helps Heartland Credit members who have the new app save money while also helping the small businesses the app partner's with to grow. For the app, I wanted the design to look a bit erratic and haphazard, while still feeling modern. For the ad campaign, I choose to switch the style a bit and give it more of a vintage, old timey look with brighter colors. I still kept a similar typeface and cleanness to the ads to connect everything together.
Skills: Photo Editing, illustration, digital design, copy/tagline writing, branding, typographic design, social media design, app design, UX/UI design,
Programs: Photoshop
Programs: Photoshop

App Icon

Single App Icon

Landing Page

Environmental Ad

Environmental Ad